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Environmental stewardship and sustainable practices in our vineyards and winery not only help us to make the best quality wines possible, but they also help care for our local community and future generations.  Below are some of the steps that we are taking to farm sustainably.

Soil and Plant Management

We use beneficial native grasses and cereal grains, which help bind the soil limiting our exposure to wind and water erosion.  The grasses also create habitat that helps attract beneficial insects to the vineyard.  We also impact soil tilth through the application of compost and grape pumace which we recycle from winery operations.

Pest Management

All of our vines were sourced from heat treated virus free mother blocks and expanded from those sources.  We use reduced risk pest control agents, such as soaps, oils, and plant extracts, which tend to be softer, allowing us to limit farm worker exposure to highly toxic agents and giving us a better opportunity to manage our beneficial insects.

Water Management

We utilize weather stations, soil moisture-measuring probes, and drip irrigation systems to monitor water use, increase conservation and efficiency, and eliminate vineyard waste water.

Carbon Footprint Management

We are constantly striving to find ways to limit the number of times required to cross the vineyard.  We do this by combining separate practices, such as mowing and applying herbicides simultaneously or choosing reagents that have a longer window of protection.  We are also continuously looking for more efficient machinery, which results in less fuel consumption or man hours required to raise our crops.